Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pregnancy Update

First I will start off by saying that we have a new truck! We traded in our Durango and got a Dodge Ram Hemi. It's metallic black. Absolutely beautiful! We are very excited about it. Trevor calls it his truck! lol

We had our first doctor appt today.
According to my first day of my last menstrual cycle, I should be 9 weeks along today. My doctor loves to use the Ultrasound machine so we got to have an ultrasound. When we saw the baby, Baby C was only measuring 6 weeks along. When I came off my pills my body became screwed up and they believe that I was ovulating later then normal. When they did the ultrasound today we saw the babys heartbeat and it was beating strong!! So, that is good news. We also got our first pics of the baby. I have another doctor appt tomorrow for an Ultrasound with the big machine so they can get a definite timeframe of everything. They gave me an estimate on the due date and it should be around May 16th!

We will keep everyone posted and I will get some pictures of the first ultrasounds!! :-)