Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy 19th Birthday Keifer

Uncle Keifers 19th birthday was on Sept. 11th. We celebrated tonight and went to Olive Garden for Neverending Pasta Bowls.... I am sooo full!

Not much new right now to report on the pregnancy. I've been feeling great. Had a couple nights where I was very queezy. I've been more tired then I was when I was pregnant with Trevor. But, other then that, doing good! I have my first appt on the 24th, so we will have some more info then!

Here are some cute pics from tonight!

Brian, Auntie Nicole & Trevor

Birthday Boy, Keifer

Colton (He says "real" men wear pink)!

Grandma Kim & Papa Troy

Uncle Steve, Auntie Kelly and Trevor

Our BEAUTIFUL family

Uncle Steve and Auntie Kelly

Auntie Nicole and Trevor

Trevor scooping out salad

Trevor was wearing this little towel around him and it was so cute. Aaron got the picture just as it fell down, but it looks like he wearing it around his waste now. It was so hilarious!

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