Sunday, September 27, 2009

Meeting Baby Carter

This weekend we went Apple and Raspberry picking. I have pictures, but they are on our other camera. I'll have to update when I get them downloaded.
Sunday we went and visited the Gorschs and met baby Carter. What a doll. He was so alert and just too cute. Trevor was so cute. He wanted to hold him and just kept giving him kisses and hugs. We are so happy for you guys, Jordan and Steph! CONGRATS.... he is beautiful.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pregnancy Update

First I will start off by saying that we have a new truck! We traded in our Durango and got a Dodge Ram Hemi. It's metallic black. Absolutely beautiful! We are very excited about it. Trevor calls it his truck! lol

We had our first doctor appt today.
According to my first day of my last menstrual cycle, I should be 9 weeks along today. My doctor loves to use the Ultrasound machine so we got to have an ultrasound. When we saw the baby, Baby C was only measuring 6 weeks along. When I came off my pills my body became screwed up and they believe that I was ovulating later then normal. When they did the ultrasound today we saw the babys heartbeat and it was beating strong!! So, that is good news. We also got our first pics of the baby. I have another doctor appt tomorrow for an Ultrasound with the big machine so they can get a definite timeframe of everything. They gave me an estimate on the due date and it should be around May 16th!

We will keep everyone posted and I will get some pictures of the first ultrasounds!! :-)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Congrats to the Gorsch family

Congrats to Jordan and Steph Gorsch on the arrival of their son Carter Thomas. Born Tuesday, 9/15 @ 1:57PM, He was 8 lbs and 20 3/4" long.
We cannot wait to meet Carter!!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy 19th Birthday Keifer

Uncle Keifers 19th birthday was on Sept. 11th. We celebrated tonight and went to Olive Garden for Neverending Pasta Bowls.... I am sooo full!

Not much new right now to report on the pregnancy. I've been feeling great. Had a couple nights where I was very queezy. I've been more tired then I was when I was pregnant with Trevor. But, other then that, doing good! I have my first appt on the 24th, so we will have some more info then!

Here are some cute pics from tonight!

Brian, Auntie Nicole & Trevor

Birthday Boy, Keifer

Colton (He says "real" men wear pink)!

Grandma Kim & Papa Troy

Uncle Steve, Auntie Kelly and Trevor

Our BEAUTIFUL family

Uncle Steve and Auntie Kelly

Auntie Nicole and Trevor

Trevor scooping out salad

Trevor was wearing this little towel around him and it was so cute. Aaron got the picture just as it fell down, but it looks like he wearing it around his waste now. It was so hilarious!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dinner with Kate and TJ

Tonight Trevor and I went to Kates house for a little playdate/dinner. It was so nice seeing her and TJ. We don't do that often enough.
After Trevor warmed up a little bit we went outside to make hotdogs on the grill and let the boys play. We had dinner then headed inside when the bugs started to get a little bad.
TJ is getting so big and he sure keeps mommy busy! We can't wait for Matt to get home. October 10th will be here before you know it....

Here are some cute pics......

Trevor giving TJ hugs

Giving Kate hugs

Trevor didn't want to share is Blankie

TJ and his bare butt


Trevor feeding TJ Baked Beans... LOL it was too cute

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

First off we started our wonderful weekend with news..... Trevor is going to be a big brother!! We are expecting our second baby! We haven't had our first doctor appt yet, but according to calenders, we would be due the end of April. We are all so excited and I am so excited for Trevor to be a big brother!!

This past weekend we went camping at Lake Byllesby in Cannon Falls. It was so nice and relaxing. Aaron and Morgan came into town from Michigan. It was so nice to see them. We spent alot of time on the boat and enjoying the incredible weather. We could not have asked for any better weather.
I could not have asked for a more relaxing weekend.

Meeting Bennet

Last week we went over to the Henriksens to finally meet Baby Bennet and to let Logan and Trevor spend some time playing. They were so cute together.

Baby Bennet

Trevor and Logan chilling on the chair

Baby Bennet

Trevor and Logan enjoying Ice Cream cones