Sunday, March 1, 2009

Grandma Barb, Auntie Christy, Ashlee and my new Big Boy Bed!!

We had such a great weekend. Grandma Barb, Auntie Christy and Ashlee drove in from Michigan. They got here Thursday night. They would have gotten here sooner, but they got held up in our wonderful winter weather. Mother Nature decided to drop about 7 inches of snow on us Thursday. YUCK. We are so ready for the spring to get here.
Thursday night we went to Jakes for dinner and then got home and relaxed and visited for a little bit. Trevor and Ashlee were so cute together. Trevor would call her ASH. he loved being with cousin Ash.
Friday we went shopping all day long. We went to a couple different places looking for the perfect big boy bed for Trevor and we found it. We got him the bed, dresser, nightstand and book shelf. We were going to have it delivered next Thursday, but everyone knows how we can't wait!
Saturday Aaron ran to Home Depot and got paint for Trevors bedroom and the girls and Trevor went and shopped. We got some really cute things for Trevors new bedroom. We got home and put Trevor down for his nap and then we all relaxed. We were all so tired. Saturday night we met my family at Olive Garden to celebrate my mom and Christys birthdays. We had a great dinner. After dinner we headed to Target (again). Then headed home and all of us sat in Trevors room and talked. Trevor didn't get to bed until 10pm that night..... but it was the last night with Aarons family and we didn't want them to go!
Sunday morning we woke up and Grandpa Troy came over and drove Aaron up to Fridley to pick up the bedroom set. When they got back we set up Trevors room. He was so excited. He wanted to help and also checked on Daddy to make sure he was doing a good job. When he saw Aaron bringing up the mattresses he got this huge grin on his face and just squeeled..... it was so cute.
Later Sunday night my family came over to see Trevors new bedroom and we had a fish fry. Steve is an incredible cook!
We put Trevor to bed and NO ISSUES.... so far! He went right to bed. I didn't even finish getting his top to his jammies on and he was already climbing into bed!

Well.... another week ahead of us. Hopefully it's good for everyone!!

Here are a lot of pics from this past weekend!


Kristin and Peter said...

What a cute room - I love it!

Candace said...

Such a big boy!!!

Danielle said...

His room looks so cute. Glad to hear he did ok in his new bed.