Sunday, March 22, 2009

Enjoying a nice Sunday!

Today Auntie Kelly, Auntie Nicole, Trevor and I went to Midwest kids Fest. It was kind of interesting. After that we came home and just had a nice day outside. It was a little windy, but we enjoyed it.
Here are some cute pictures of today

Trevor didn't like the ponies

Trevor with his Wiener Dog balloon animal

Mommy, Trevor and Auntie Colie on a dinosaur outside the Science museum

After we got home from the Kids festival we put Trevor down for a nap.... that he wanted nothing to do with. He wanted to be outside. So, after about 20 minutes listening to him play in his room, I went upstairs to get him.
Here are some cute pictures from playing outside.

Here is Trevor sitting on his bike from Grandma Barb. Just another half an inch and he will be able to reach the pedals.

Trevor wanted to play Redneck horse shoes, but didn't want to take his helmet off!

After we came in to eat dinner Trevor was pooped. He climbed up on Daddys chair and relaxed.

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