Sunday, July 11, 2010

Trevors 3rd Birthday

My baby boy turned 3 on June 23rd. I cannot believe how big and smart he is getting. I just can't believe how fast time goes. We wish for them to grow up and then it's here in a matter of no time.
Tuesday night we had dinner at Kelly and Steves. Danielle and Jason gave Trevor his birthday present there. After dinner we enjoyed some time at the pool.
Wed. the 23rd we had cake and ice cream. Papa Troy and Gramma Kim stopped by to give Trevor his birthday present. They got him a John Deere Tractor. He absolutley LOVES it. Then Auntie Colie and Brian stopped by to sing happy birthday and eat some cake.
Trevor also got a package in the mail from Gramma Barb. ALL Toy Story stuff.
That Friday we had his 3 yr doctor appt. Trevor is 38 in and 36 lbs. Such a big boy!!
That night we had his big birthday party. We had it all planned out and then the severe weather decided to move on in. We made the best of it and it turned out great. It was so hot and humid. But, we had a great time.
Here are some pics of the night.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Happy Birhtday big boy!