Sunday, January 17, 2010

Better late then never!

So, I know its been a VERY long time since I have updated the blog. I apologize for all of you that follow this on a weekly basis!

Christmas has come and gone. Way too fast! We headed to Michigan the weekend before Christmas to celebrate with Aarons side of the family. It was so nice to see everyone. It had been a year since we had gone home. So, it was nice to see everyone again. Trevor had a great time playing with all his cousins and seeing all his Aunts and Uncles.

We went in for ultrasound on the 22nd of December. What a great christmas gift! We found out that we are expecting a baby girl! Due date is May 17th. However, since we had a C-section with Trevor, they recommended the same with this baby. So, they are thinking of doing the C-section on May 10th. We are so excited!!

Christmas was actually kind of relaxing this year. We celebrated most of the Christmas on Christmas Eve. Christmas day we enjoyed watching movies with my mom and Troy and doing NOTHING. The Sat after Christmas we celebrated with my dad and Roby. We had a great holiday! Trevor was cute to watch this year. However, he doesn't quite get the concept of the holiday. He just wanted more presents.

New Years we celbrated at our house. We had my sisters, Uncle Steve, Brian, a couple neighbors came with over with a couple their friends. We fried chicken wings and played games. It was a great New Years.

We have also been potty training for a little while now. Still not staying dry at night, but he doing so good! What a big boy. It makes me sad!!

Lets see... what else....

We also traded my Trailblazer in right before the New Year. I got a 2010 Chevy Traverse! I love it!

Besides all of that. We are just living the busy life! Patiently waiting for the spring so we can start camping and our little girl will arrive!!

I will get pictures updated soon.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Yeah you did it! Now looking forward to pictures!