Sunday, June 21, 2009

Where to start?

Things have been crazy busy this past month.
I'll go to Kelly and Steves wedding. The day couldn't have been more perfect. The weather was beautiful, the ceremony was perfect. The bride and groom were perfect. We had so much fun.
Even though Trevor wanted nothing to do with walking down the aisle!
He was a trooper though.
Also, I don't have very many pictures. I have to try to get some from some people.

Also, here is Trevor.... notice the forehead? Yeah, he did that at rehearsal, we were there for 2 minutes! He fell, stood up and just started laughing. I didn't think it was funny. I tried so hard to keep him perfect before the wedding..... UGH!! I guess he is a typical 2 year old boy!!

Here is a cute backside picture of Trevor (ring bearer) and Camryn (Flower girl). They were trying so hard to get an ant that they found!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Very cute pictures. Sorry you don't have that many I feel bad but I will get the ones that I have to you for sure!