Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day weekend

This past weekend we went camping with my mom, Troy, Nicole, Colton, Aaron and Morgan. We just went to Lebanon Hills. It's nice and close to home just in case Trevor wasn't going to have it with the whole camping thing. He did AWESOME. Thursday night we celebrated my birthday at the campground. We had dinner and cake and then just sat next to the fire and chatted. It was so nice.
Friday we took the boat out and enjoyed the nice weather and relaxation. Trevor wanted to get in the water SOOO bad. We dipped his feet in, but he didn't have his suit on, so that's all we could do. He was NOT happy.
Friday night Aaron went to the airport to pick up Aaron and Morgan. It was sooo good to see them again. I can't believe how big Morgan is getting. The Henriksens came out to the campsite and Trevor was a little crabby at first but he soon warmed up. Again, it was so fun watching Trevor and Logan interact with each other. They were talking back and forth and pushing each other in the car.

Here are some pictures from this weekend


Candace said...

Looks like fun! I hope you had a great birthday!

Danielle said...
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Danielle said...

I am glad we also got to stop out there on (friday for me, Sunday for Jason.) Good Times.. Hopefully we can camp with you guys at least once this summer.