Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

What a great weekend. Friday night we went to Kelly and Steves for dinner. We spent a long time at the park and then grilled out. Joe, Julie, Danielle and Jason also came over. It was a nice night and we had so much fun hanging out with everyone.
Saturday morning we got up and then headed over to my moms for Easter with my moms side of the family. It was beautiful outside. We spent most of the day playing yard games.
After we left my moms house, we headed home and spent even more time outside. We had a bonfire with our nieghbors and a few of their friends. Kelly and Steve also came over. It was so much fun. We can't wait to do it again.
Sunday morning we woke up and had our Easter at home. Then we headed to my dads house. Once we got there we had a little easter hunt for Trevor. When he was done finding eggs it was time to take a nap. We relaxed and visited with everyone for a little bit, then it was time to eat. It was sooo good. Turkey, Potatoes, gravy, stuffing, rolls. YUMMY!
When we got home we played with our playdoh and then played some hide and seek.
Overall, it was such a great weekend.

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