Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

We had such a great weekend.
Friday night we went to Danielles house for a Mary Kay party. Then a couple of us girls went out for a couple of drinks. After we went back to our house and played some games and just had a nice night.
Saturday we woke up and Danielle stayed over Friday night. So, we played with Trevor and then we left to drop Trevor off and Grandma and Grandpa and to bring Danielle home.
After we dropped both of them off we headed back home to relax for a little bit. We then headed to Ivy Spa in downtown Minneapolis for a couples massage. It was INCREDIBLE. After the massage we had dinner at Rock Bottom Brewery. That is our first date restaurant, so every year for Valentines Day and our Anniversary we go there for dinner.
Once we got done eating we headed for home and stopped at the Mall of America and did a little bit of shopping. We spent the night at home with some Champagne and some alone time for Aaron and me. It was such a nice night.
Sunday we met my mom and Troy and we went to Fleet Farm to look for camping things. Mom and Troy bought a camper this year and we are SOOOO excited to go camping now. However, looking for things for them, we found a few things that we wanted for our camper and ended up doing a little shopping! Not, a bad thing! :-)
We then went and picked Trevor up and went back to mom and Troys for dinner.
Overall, this weekend was great and we had such a great time.

P.S. Kelly, this background is for you!! And we can't wait for spring!!!

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