Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week in review

What a great busy week.

Thursday we took Trevor to my work to see santa. He keeps telling us that he wants balloons from Santa (if I would have known that that is all he wants, I wouldn't have spent so much money). He was so excited to see santa, until we got up there. He didn't cry, but he didn't want to sit on his lap. Once santa started talking to him about what he wanted and talking about Cody and the new baby, Trevor warmed up and was talking back. I don't have pictures yet, but they should be sending them very soon.
After santa we met the Henrys at Jakes for dinner. Then dropped Trevor off at my moms house and then we had a Christmas get together with Aarons work group. It was at his directors house in Lakeville. We had a great time. IT was the first time that they have really ever done a get together where spouses were invited. It was a good time.

Friday Aaron had Happy Hr with my work people. I was invited also, but since I am 18 weeks pregnant, I really wasn't up for going downtown. Aaron wasn't gone long. He was home by 8 to help our neighbor with his garage.

Saturday I got up and met my sisters at my moms house for cookie baking! We had so much fun and really enjoyed our time together.
Saturday night we had dinner plans with my mom and Troy then Aaron went over to their house to help put up lights. I was beat. I fell alseep on the couch.

The past week I have been getting sharp pains down the left side of my butt. I have been so exhausted. Literally taking naps (those that know me, know that I don't take naps)..... and I have been falling aleep watching TV. This baby is draining me

Sunday we did absolutely NOTHING. I did go and get my hair chopped off. As soon as I am able to do it to my liking I will post a picture. Trevor didn't changed out of his jammies until bath time, just to get into new jammies. Oh well, it's nice to have days like that.

THings have been going so good. We have been doing the potty training thing for the past 3 weeks. Trevor only wears diapers at night time and nap time. If I am going somewhere that we won't be near a bathrooom as easy, we also put on diapers. But, I am so proud of him. He loves his big boy pants. We are still trying to get him to tell us when he has to go. He tells us after the fact. He hasn't had many accidents, so that has been good. I am so proud of him. He definetly isn't my baby anymore.

On to a new week. We have another busy one. Monday we have dinner with the Sandmeiers and Gischs. Tuesday nothing. Wed dinner with the Worms. Thursday we leave for Michigan to celebrate Christmas with Aarons family.

Until then!!! Have a great week!

Me, my sisters and mom with our cookies

Sunday Trevor with his John Deere hat

Monday, December 7, 2009

A bunch of stuff....

Alot of stuff going on this past week.
Monday night we went to the Gischs for dinner. Steve made an incredible Venison Stroganoff. It was a great dinner and company wasn't that bad either!

Friday night we got together with Angie, Chris and Eddie. We took the train from the MOA and headed to the Holidazzle parade. It was so much fun. Eddie and Trevor are literally hours apart for age. They are tons of fun when they get together.
After we got back to the MOA we went to Ruby Tuesdays at the mall for some appetizers and then we walked the mall a little bit to let the boys let off some steam. They ran pretty much the whole mall.

Sat. we had my mom and Troy housewarming party. We also made it my moms surprise EARLY birthday party. Her birthday isn't until Feb. But, since my grandparents leave for Florida at the end of this month, they wanted to celebrate with her. It's her big 50th this year!! We had a great time with great food!

Sunday morning we were up bright and early to meet Angie, Eddie, Jen, Logan and Bennet to head back downtown to the Macys christmas display. It was packed! We actually got lucky since we had 3 strollers, they let us cut in line. Probably saved us 20 min. But, hey, better then standing in line. The display was the same as last year, however they added a few more displays. Trevor still loved it.
After we got back on the train we let the boys run a little bit. They were so cute together. Talk about a handful . They were fun!

Sunday night we went over to mom and Troys, Aaron was helping Troy split wood. We had a bunch of balloons from Sat night left over, so Trevor was having fun popping them. But, now he wants more ballonons from Santa. So, that is what he says he is going to ask for.... LOL

Here are ALOT of pictures from the past week..... enjoy!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bowling & Gingerbread House

Sunday morning we went and met Papa Troy, Gamma Kim, Auntie Lisa, Uncle Steve and the girls at the bowling party. We had to prebowl since Saturday night is the house warming party for mom and Troys new house. We had the kids bowl on the alley next to us. Trevor had never bowled before. He had a pretty good time.

Sunday night we made a Gingerbread house for the first time. We were supposed to do it when Ashlee was here, but we ran out of time. I think Trevor and Aaron ate more then they actually put on the house.